AC Chamber Brokerage and Insurance AdministratorIt is accredited by the most traditional and well-regarded insurance companies in the market with expertise in the commercialization of insurance in various branches and specializing in Corporate Insurance and Strategic Channel Projects.Managers have extensive experience in the market, especially for companies and operate with differentiated products such as Property Insurance, Contractual Bond Guarantee, Credit insurance, Machinery, Agricultural, Industrial Risks, Liability, Engineering Risk, among others.PRIME PLUS CLUBThe PRIME PLUS CLUB aims to establish partnerships with companies of the most varied segments so that they grant, directly to clients, insured and their dependents, discounts and benefits in their purchases of products and services.2. PRIME PLUS CLUB is limited to disclosing to customers the discounts and benefits offered exclusively by the companies. The percentages of discounts and advantages offered are the responsibility of the company providing the service or product.3. The business relationship for the purchase of a product or service is exclusively between the customer and the company providing the service or product. PRIME PLUS CLUB is not responsible for any developments of the process, such as, and not limited to: payments, expired or outdated promotions, missed delivery times, products or services received defective, quality, quantity purchased and received, warranties , exchanges, technical assistance. Complaints should be addressed directly to the supplier through its Customer Service Center, whose telephone number is disclosed on its website or in the product Invoice.4. When PRIME PLUS CLUB discloses any offer, it does not represent a lower price guarantee, given the dynamics and aggressiveness of the market scenario. Yes, we can guarantee that we have a team dedicated to always seeking the best discounts and benefits for our clients and policyholders.